Relationship between Organizational Silence and Commitment of Employees at University Level
The purpose of this study was to find out the level and reasons of Silence and commitment of employees. This study also identified relationship between organizational silence (OS) and commitment of university employees. All teachers of three universities of Division Sahiwal were used as a population. Two questionnaires were used to measure teachers’ demographic characteristics, their silence level and reasons and their commitment level and reasons. In this research data were collected from 420 teachers from three universities of Division Sahiwal. After completion of data collection, data were analysed by using SPSS. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient test was used to find out the reliability of instrument. Independent sample t-test, and Pearson -correlation test were also used for analysis of data. With reference to effects of demographic variables it was found that gender, marital status and locality have different mean regarding to silence and commitment of teachers. But faculty has variation only in teachers’ commitment. The result of this study explored a strong positive relationship between organizational silence and commitment of employees at universities. It was recommended that Administration of university may provide such environment for teachers in which they feel in university as a part of a family and share their own ideas, feeling and knowledge without any fear. HEC may arrange a training centre for teachers in the institute of all rank for knowing teachers issues regarding silent behaviour in university.
Commitment, Employees, Organizational Silence, UniversityReferences
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