A Comprehensive Study on Sales of Chinese Books and Literature in Pakistan


  • Jamil Afzal College of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering, China Three Gorges University, China https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5640-0578
  • Hina Khatoon IER Department, Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
  • Gulfam Anwar Department of Education, Government of Punjab, Pakistan




Culturally and intellectually, China and Pakistan have had a close relationship for many years; it can be traced back to their interactions along the Silk Road, which extend back centuries. Because of this common historical relationship, there is a mutual admiration for and impact in a variety of intellectual activities, including art, literature, and philosophy. There has been a discernible increase in the number of Pakistani readers interested in Chinese literature in recent years, which is indicative of a rising affinity towards Chinese culture and the literary works that originate from China. A research study has been carried out to investigate many areas of Chinese literature in Pakistan, with the goal of gaining a deeper comprehension of the literary relationship between the two countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate the availability and accessibility of translated Chinese works, as well as the literary tastes of Pakistani readers, the cultural linkages that bind the two countries, and the social and political relevance of Chinese literature in the context of Pakistan. In addition, the research investigates the literary exchange programmes and intellectual conversation that take place between China and Pakistan. This sheds light on the extent to which these two countries' cultures interact with one another.


Chinese Book, Chinese Literature in Pakistan, Pak-China, CPEC


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How to Cite

Afzal, J., Khatoon, H., & Anwar, G. (2023). A Comprehensive Study on Sales of Chinese Books and Literature in Pakistan. Siazga Research Journal, 2(4), 310–318. https://doi.org/10.58341/srj.v2i4.39