Impending Challenges of Climate Change Edification for Sustainability in Pakistan




It can be difficult to spread knowledge and communicate about climate change; concepts relating to climate change are frequently misunderstood, according to researchers. Some people don't think that they will be affected by climate change in their own lives. Other issues could be people's inability to recognize subtle or the fact that there have been slow environmental changes and excessive consumption empowers and honors people, their weak connection to nature, and their propensity to act impulsively also solve environmental issues right away. The purpose of this study was to offer some research-based strategies for educating the public about climate change while providing concrete examples of the impacts of climate change on a local level and illustrative information, people can be persuaded that they still have an impact by environmental communication that are effectively designed on the phenomenon's scope and can connect mitigation efforts to people's positive desires or aspirations. Upcoming awareness, approaches of socio-constructivism, experiential learning, and community of change are some strategies that, when used in conjunction with one another in mitigation education, can correct learners' misconceptions and motivate them to take action. With the help of citizens and scientists, adaptation education could focus on a particular issue that could become more severe due to climate change. After analyzing the issue, suggestions for solutions could then be made and put into action and plan for the future sustainably.


Sustainability, Climate Change, Environmental Changes, Climate Change Awareness


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How to Cite

Afzal, J., Fatima, S. ., Nishtar, Z., & Batool, A. (2024). Impending Challenges of Climate Change Edification for Sustainability in Pakistan. Siazga Research Journal, 3(1), 01–09.