The Role of Internal Marketing on Employees Behaviour
A Mediated Moderated Model
Since the increasing interest of the firms has depicted internal marketing strategies as one of the most prominent trends influencing the organisation, mainly literature has focused on HR-related practice and their influence on employee behaviour. Therefore, the current study fills the gap by applying internal marketing strategies to investigate employees’ organisational citizenship behaviour. The study identifies a specific relationship between internal marketing and organisational citizenship behaviour through the mediating role of employees’ organisational commitment to the banking sector. The moderating role of employee collectivism has also been investigated in the present study. The data was collected from 469 employees through convenient sampling from the banking sector of Pakistan. The results have been achieved through structural equation modelling) using AMOS software. The results indicate that internal marketing has a significant and positive influence on the employee’s organisational citizenship behaviour through mediating role of organisational commitment. Moreover, the moderating role of collectivism also significantly influences employee’s organisational citizenship behaviour. This study also contributes to understanding internal marketing, employee organisational commitment and citizenship behaviour. Lastly, limitations and future suggestions have also been discussed at the end of the study.
Collectivism, Internal Marketing, OCB, Organisational citizenship behaviour, Organisational commitmentReferences
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