Spiritual Intelligence in Education

Exploring the Impact of Teachers' Spiritual Intelligence on Student Satisfaction in Higher Education Using Dyad Analysis


  • Ayla Wajahat Bahria Business School, Karachi Campus - Pakistan https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0617-9251
  • Sayma Zia Institute of Business Management - Pakistan
  • Ayesha Khan Bahria Business School, Karachi Campus - Pakistan




The present study investigates the impact of elements associated with teachers on student satisfaction. The study adopts a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted among teachers and students at the Higher Education Institutes of Karachi, Pakistan. Both on-site and online. A total of 21 HEC-recognized universities having business schools/management sciences departments were contacted and visited in Karachi. The sample design involves collecting data from 344 teacher-student dyads. Non-probability sampling is used due to the lack of a complete subject list. As a result, studying the effect of teachers' spiritual intelligence on student satisfaction can potentially lead to improved learning outcomes and academic performance. Enhancing spiritual intelligence assists individuals in developing a positive mindset and attaining inner tranquility. This shift in attitude enhances self-motivation and self-control and aids in alleviating the elevated stress levels often caused by the fast-paced nature of contemporary society.


Spiritual Intelligence, Student Satisfaction, Higher Education, Dyad Analysis


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How to Cite

Wajahat , . A., Zia, S., & Khan, A. (2024). Spiritual Intelligence in Education: Exploring the Impact of Teachers’ Spiritual Intelligence on Student Satisfaction in Higher Education Using Dyad Analysis. Siazga Research Journal, 3(1), 76–88. https://doi.org/10.58341/srj.v3i1.53



