Impact of User Participation in Online Social Networking on their Response to Social Media Marketing
Social media marketers frequently use two types of marketing communications namely interactive digital advertising and virtual brand communities. This study examines how different types of motivation among users towards involvement in social media networks affect their responses en route to these marketing communications. The data was collected from students at various colleges and universities in Karachi. A paired t-test was conducted to compare user responses to Facebook advertising and the virtual brand community. Multiple regression analyses were led to examine the effect of user motivation on user response to advertising. The findings show that users tend to respond more favorably to marketing communication in virtual brand communities like online social capital positively influences trust, entertainment value, as well as user’s attitudinal response. Moreover, the need for online bridging influences trust measures and users’ intention to participate in the virtual brand community. In addition, online bonding negatively influences users’ attitudes toward advertising and intention to participate in the virtual brand community. Moreover, implications are presented based on the outcomes of the study.
Online Networking, Social Media Marketing, User Participation, Social NetworkingReferences
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