Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Teachers’ Performance
A Case of Higher Education in Quetta
The current research study investigated the relationship between HRM Practices and teacher performance among higher education teachers in Quetta. It was hypothesized that there is likely to be a relationship between HRM Practices itself and with Teacher performance, and HRM Practices likely to predict teacher performance. It was correlational (cross-sectional) research design. The data from 765 participants from different universities in Quetta was collected. The analysis revealed significant correlation between five different HRM practices. The student evaluation and CGPA also found to be correlated revealing significant effect of HRM practices on teacher performance. HRM practice was found a predictor of teacher performance. The study helps incorporating HRM practices in higher education system and it shows which area of HRM practices are to be incorporated for an effective performance outcome of the teachers.
HRM, Teachers’ Performance, Higher Education, QuettaReferences
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