Analysis of Existence of Organizational Culture for Determining TEIs’ Readiness for Adopting Online Approach to Educate Prospective Teachers for their Professional Development in Sindh




The study aimed to evaluate the organizational culture of Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) and determine their readiness to adopt online teaching methods for professional development. The research involved 450 teacher educators with over five years of experience who had previously taught online. The study used a cluster sampling approach and a closed-ended perception questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale. The findings showed that the study's alternative hypothesis was supported, indicating that TEIs have an organizational culture that encourages them to adopt new technical techniques, thus preparing them for online teaching approaches. The study's findings provide valuable insights into the readiness of TEIs to adopt online teaching methods.


Organizational culture, belief, attitude, value, online teaching approach


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How to Cite

Ahmed, H., & Sulman, N. (2024). Analysis of Existence of Organizational Culture for Determining TEIs’ Readiness for Adopting Online Approach to Educate Prospective Teachers for their Professional Development in Sindh. Siazga Research Journal, 3(2), 106–115.



